Nomination: ESCs may nominate individuals or organizations for awards using the nomination form; there is no limit on the number of award recipients. Each nomination is for ONE award. If you nominate the Summit County Farm Bureau, one award with the organization name will be presented. If you want to nominate the Summit County Farm Bureau, but want three different people from the bureau to receive a physical award, submit nominations for each person who should be presented with an award. You will be asked for the nominee name, organization, job title, significant contribution meriting recognition and background on the nominee.
Selection: Eligibility for awards is evaluated by the OESCA Membership and Special Projects committee to ensure nominees meet criteria and have not previously been nominated for the same award. If you are unsure whether a potential nominee has already received an award, check the List of Previous Winners by County. ESCs inform nominees and invite them to the luncheon/recognition program. ESCs will be sent invoices for award production.
Luncheon/Recognition Program: ESCs will receive a link to submit the names of each nominee, non-nominated ESC staff and guests attending the luncheon. ESCs can print the e-mail confirmation of luncheon attendees and sent it and a check for luncheon fees to OESCA.